- 樹絡
- 一絡花枝。
- (1) 一支嘴真gâule;cha-bóo人tī厝內tehle。
- (2) lephué;有錢就會le。
台文翻譯kap編修:Lîm Chùn-io̍k(林俊育)長老
以 姓名標示-非商業性-Sio-kâng方式分享 3.0 台灣 (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 TW) 授權
資料來自 ChhoeTaigi 的字詞資料庫
The windows are closed.\The door of the church is closed.\He is now lying down.\He is now sitting town.\He is at home now.
He eats sitting down and relieves nature lying down.\He writes standing. \they eat squirting. \At noon he always rests (sleeps) sitting.\In the Summer time, I sleep with the windows open.\Country people often carry babies on their backs while they are working.\This child always wants some one to be holding him while he sleeps.\It makes no difference if the weather is good or bad he is always carrying his umbrella, when he walks\Don’t be holding a cup and playing around, you will break it.
Hurry up! Get moving!\The planes are coming, you must prostrate!
Is the Ordinary in? He is not home.
主教在嗎? 他不在
原作者:Ko Chek-hoàn(高積煥)、Tân Pang-tìn(陳邦鎮)
數位化與編修:Lîm Bûn-cheng、Tēⁿ Tì-têng、Tân Kim-hoa、Chiúⁿ Ji̍t-êng
以 姓名標示-Sio-kâng方式分享 4.0 國際 (CC BY-SA 4.0) 授權
資料來自 ChhoeTaigi 的字詞資料庫